TradeTracker produktfeed
Et produktfeed er afgørende for at optimere din markedsføring på TradeTracker.
Det automatiserer deling af produktdata, hvilket sikrer nøjagtighed og opdateret information på tværs af affiliates.
Dette effektiviserer arbejdet, øger synligheden og forbedrer konverteringerne, hvilket gør affiliate marketing mere effektivt og resultatorienteret.

Hvad er TradeTracker?
TradeTracker er et førende globalt affiliate marketing-netværk, der forbinder annoncører med et bredt netværk af udgivere, eller affiliates, som promoverer deres produkter og tjenester.
Grundlagt med målet om at gøre affiliate marketing mere transparent og resultatorienteret, tilbyder TradeTracker en platform, hvor annoncører kan administrere deres kampagner med realtidsdata og detaljeret analyse. Dette giver annoncørerne mulighed for præcist at se, hvordan deres kampagner klarer sig, hvilke affiliates der genererer mest trafik, og hvor konverteringerne kommer fra.
TradeTracker understøtter forskellige markedsføringsmodeller, herunder Cost Per Click (CPC), Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) og Cost Per Mille (CPM), hvilket giver virksomheder fleksibilitet til at vælge den tilgang, der bedst matcher deres mål.
Med sit omfattende netværk og stærke tracking-funktioner gør TradeTracker det muligt for virksomheder at udvide deres online rækkevidde betydeligt, drive mere målrettet trafik til deres hjemmesider og ultimativt øge salg og indtægter.
Hvad er et produktfeed til TradeTracker?
Et produktfeed til TradeTracker er en struktureret digital fil, der indeholder omfattende information om de produkter, du tilbyder. Denne fil inkluderer typisk vigtige produktattributter såsom titler, beskrivelser, priser, billeder, lagerstatus og unikke identifikatorer som SKU’er eller EAN’er.
Når dette feed integreres med TradeTracker, bruges det af affiliates til at generere præcise og engagerende annoncer på tværs af forskellige digitale kanaler.
Vigtigheden af et produktfeed ligger i dets evne til at give affiliates de mest opdaterede og præcise produktdata, hvilket er afgørende for at opretholde konsistens i dine markedsføringsindsatser.
Når produktdetaljer ændrer sig—såsom prisopdateringer, ny lagerbeholdning eller introduktion af nye produkter—reflekteres disse ændringer automatisk i feedet, hvilket sikrer, at alle salgsfremmende aktiviteter er i overensstemmelse med din nuværende lagerbeholdning.
Dette sparer ikke kun tid og reducerer manuelle fejl, men forbedrer også effektiviteten af dine affiliate marketing-kampagner ved at give affiliates de værktøjer, de har brug for til at skabe overbevisende og præcist indhold.
Hvorfor har jeg brug for et produktfeed til Tradetracker?
At have et produktfeed til TradeTracker er afgørende for enhver virksomhed, der ønsker at maksimere sin succes inden for affiliate marketing. Uden et produktfeed bliver håndteringen af produktdata en tidskrævende opgave, der er tilbøjelig til menneskelige fejl, hvilket kan føre til, at forældet eller forkert information bruges i affiliate-kampagner.
Et produktfeed automatiserer denne proces og sikrer, at alle affiliates har adgang til de nyeste produktdetaljer, lige fra pris og tilgængelighed til lancering af nye produkter. Denne automatisering sparer ikke kun tid, men øger også nøjagtigheden og pålideligheden af de delte oplysninger, hvilket er afgørende for at opbygge tillid hos både affiliates og kunder.
Derudover gør et produktfeed det nemt at skalere dine affiliate marketing-indsatser ved at forenkle integrationen med flere affiliates.
Når din produktsortiment udvides, sikrer feedet, at alle nye produkter straks er tilgængelige for dit affiliate-netværk, hvilket muliggør hurtigere og mere udbredt promovering.
I sidste ende strømliner et produktfeed hele affiliate marketing-processen, hvilket gør den mere effektiv og resultatorienteret.
Hvad er fordelene ved et produktfeed til Tradetracker?
Brugen af et produktfeed til TradeTracker tilbyder adskillige fordele, der kan forbedre dine affiliate marketing-indsatser betydeligt:
- Nøjagtighed af data: Sikrer konsistent og præcis produktinformation på tværs af alle affiliate-kanaler, hvilket reducerer risikoen for at promovere forældede eller forkerte oplysninger.
- Tidsbesparelse: Automatiserer distributionen af produktdata, så du kan fokusere på andre strategiske områder af din virksomhed.
- Forbedret affiliate effektivitet: Giver affiliates hurtig adgang til opdaterede produktdetaljer, hvilket gør dem i stand til at skabe mere effektive og rettidige marketingkampagner.
- Øget synlighed: Optimerede feeds fremhæver de mest attraktive aspekter af dine produkter, hvilket forbedrer klikfrekvenserne og øger konverteringerne.
- Skalerbarhed: Forenkler processen med at integrere nye produkter og skalere dine affiliate marketing-indsatser, efterhånden som din virksomhed vokser.
Disse fordele gør et produktfeed til et vigtigt værktøj for at opnå succes på TradeTracker.
Hvordan får jeg et produktfeed til Tradetracker?
At få et produktfeed til TradeTracker gennem avecdo er enkelt og effektivt. Her er en trin-for-trin guide til at hjælpe dig igennem processen:
- Tilmeld dig avecdo: Start med at oprette en konto på avecdos platform. Dette giver dig adgang til deres værktøjer og tjenester til håndtering af produktfeeds.
- Forbind din online butik: Link din e-handelsplatform (som Shopify, WooCommerce eller Magento) til avecdo. Avecdo vil automatisk hente dine produktdata fra din butik.
- Installer TradeTracker som output: I avecdos dashboard skal du navigere til outputindstillingerne og vælge TradeTracker som destination for dit produktfeed. Avecdo vil konfigurere feedet, så det opfylder TradeTrackers specifikke krav og sikrer en problemfri integration.
- Generer dit produktfeed: Avecdo vil oprette et produktfeed baseret på din butiks lager, formateret efter TradeTrackers specifikationer. Dette feed inkluderer vigtige produktoplysninger som titler, beskrivelser, priser og lagerstatus.
- Tilpas feedet: Tilpas feedet yderligere, hvis nødvendigt, ved at tilføje eller fjerne attributter, filtrere produkter eller optimere for bedre præstation på TradeTracker.
- Automatiske opdateringer: Avecdos system vil automatisk opdatere feedet, efterhånden som dit lager ændrer sig, hvilket sikrer, at TradeTracker-affiliates altid har de nyeste produktdata.
- Indsend til TradeTracker: Når dit feed er klar, indsend det til TradeTracker. Avecdos integration sikrer, at processen forløber problemfrit, og at dit feed forbliver i overensstemmelse med TradeTrackers specifikationer.
- Optimer for bedste resultater: Fortsæt med at finjustere og forbedre dit produktfeed ved hjælp af avecdos værktøjer og funktioner. Dette inkluderer justeringer af feedets indhold og indstillinger for at sikre, at det passer perfekt til TradeTrackers krav og hjælper dig med at opnå de bedste mulige resultater i dine affiliate marketing-indsatser.
Ved at følge disse trin kan du nemt opsætte og vedligeholde et veloptimeret produktfeed til TradeTracker, hvilket hjælper dig med at opnå bedre resultater i dine affiliate marketing-kampagner.
Alle vores outputs og produktfeeds
Affiliate marketing through platforms like is a dynamic and results-driven strategy for businesses. By leveraging’s affiliate platform, advertisers can seamlessly connect with a network of publishers to promote their products or services. This collaborative model allows publishers to earn commissions based on the performance of the advertisements they display. facilitates this process by providing a user-friendly interface, advanced tracking capabilities, and comprehensive reporting tools. Advertisers benefit from increased brand exposure and sales, while publishers monetize their online traffic effectively.
See more at, or on our Addrevenue page.
Adflow is a platform dedicated to enhancing the visual appeal of your social media advertisements, ensuring they stand out amidst the sea of content. Specializing in injecting creativity into ad visuals, transforms mundane ads into attention-grabbing content for various social media platforms. The platform’s focus on vibrant and engaging visuals aims to make your ads more compelling, ultimately capturing the audience’s attention in a crowded digital space. With, you can elevate your social media advertising game, ensuring that your content is not only noticed but also leaves a lasting impression in the minds of your target audience.
See more or on our page about Adflow.
Adservice stands as the leading Nordic affiliate network, offering comprehensive support to advertisers and publishers across Europe. With a commitment to providing the most advanced and precise tracking system, Adservice facilitates seamless collaboration for optimized results. Whether you’re an advertiser seeking targeted exposure or a publisher aiming for accurate tracking, Adservice ensures a sophisticated and effective platform for successful affiliate marketing endeavors.
See more or on our page about Adservice.
Adtraction is a prominent affiliate marketing network that serves as a bridge between advertisers and publishers in the digital marketing landscape. Adtraction’s platform facilitates collaborative partnerships, empowering advertisers to showcase their products or services through a network of publishers. In this performance-based model, publishers are rewarded with commissions for driving traffic and generating sales for the advertisers.
The platform offers intuitive tools and analytics, empowering both advertisers and publishers to track, analyze, and optimize their marketing efforts efficiently. Adtraction’s user-friendly interface and robust features make it a preferred choice for businesses looking to maximize their online presence and enhance their marketing strategies through affiliate marketing. For the most up-to-date details, it’s recommended to visit Adtraction’s official website or contact them directly.
See more on Adtraction, or on our Adtraction page
Bigshopper is a versatile online platform that caters to a wide range of consumer needs by offering a diverse array of products from various retailers. Specializing in product comparisons and price tracking, Bigshopper allows users to conveniently explore and compare prices for items across different categories, including electronics, fashion, home goods, and more. This user-friendly platform is designed to streamline the shopping experience, providing shoppers with a centralized hub to find the best deals and make informed purchasing decisions. Bigshopper’s emphasis on simplicity and comprehensive product information makes it a valuable resource for individuals seeking a convenient and efficient online shopping experience.
See more, or on our Bigshopper page.
Bing Ads
Bing Ads is the advertising platform provided by Microsoft for businesses looking to promote their products or services on the Bing search engine. Through Bing Ads, advertisers can create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns, allowing their ads to appear in search results on Bing and its partner networks, such as Yahoo. The platform offers tools for ad creation, targeting specific demographics, and tracking campaign performance through analytics. Bing Ads provides businesses with an additional avenue to reach a diverse online audience and complement their digital marketing strategies alongside other advertising platforms like Google Ads.
See more here, or on our Bing Ads page
Capsule helps you digitize your wardrobe, create outfits, and share your style with a global community. Seamlessly connect product feeds to enhance your wardrobe management and boost your online store visibility.
See more here, or on our Capsule page
Comparison page for computers and equipment.
Compware focuses primarily on hardware and software, but also other underneath pages: desktop computers, graphics cards, mouse, processors, frames, tablets, portable and so on. You can see dealer pages, brands, guides and much more. See more at or on our page about Compware.
Confect is your go-to platform for visually enhancing ads. Test diverse designs and dynamically adjust your catalog to align with ongoing campaigns, ensuring a cohesive visual strategy that captivates your target audience effectively. Elevate your ad aesthetics and boost campaign effectiveness with Confect.
See more at or on our Confect page.
Daisycon is a performance marketing network that operates on an international scale. Specializing in affiliate marketing, Daisycon facilitates collaborations between advertisers and publishers, helping businesses maximize their online reach and revenue. Through their platform, advertisers can connect with a network of publishers to promote products or services, while publishers can monetize their online traffic by partnering with relevant advertisers. Daisycon provides a comprehensive set of tools and analytics to optimize marketing campaigns, making it a valuable platform for those seeking effective and measurable digital marketing solutions.
Read more on Daisycon, or on our Daisycon page
DBA Ads refers to the advertising platform on, one of Denmark’s leading online marketplaces. Through DBA Ads, businesses and individuals can promote their products and services to a broader audience of potential buyers. This advertising tool allows for targeted promotion, helping sellers reach the right audience based on user preferences and search behavior. By leveraging DBA Ads, users can enhance the visibility of their listings, ultimately boosting their chances of successful transactions on the DBA platform. See more on DbaAds or on our DbaAds page.
Let us take the wheel on your Google Shopping Ads journey. Once your feed is uploaded, we’ll expertly manage your ads, seamlessly connecting users to your latest products. Our mission? To supercharge your traffic and boost your sales. Simply keep your feed up to date with fresh product info and prices. You’re in control. Read more on Delupe’s page, or on our info page about Delupe.
Social Media Sales – Many People / High Visibility.
The channel is good for most products where you sell based on visibility and the amount of people watching the goods. It costs per click and is paid directly to Facebook, where the price is often a low cost per click. It can be adjusted individually, however, we recommend that you contact one of our consultants on how to make the most of Facebook marketing.
See more on Facebook Business or on our page about Facebook.
Google Shopping
Google Shopping is a service by Google that allows users to search, view, and compare products directly on the Google platform. It provides a visually engaging way for businesses to showcase their products, featuring images, prices, and store information. Users can conveniently explore and purchase items, making it a powerful tool for both consumers and retailers in the e-commerce space.
See more on Google Merchant Center or on our page about Google Shopping.
Gul og Gratis
Gul og Gratis is a Danish online classifieds platform that serves as a valuable marketing channel. Translating to “Yellow and Free,” it provides businesses and individuals with a platform to advertise and sell products or services. Leveraging Gul og Gratis as a marketing channel enables businesses to reach a local audience, connecting with potential customers interested in second-hand items, services, or unique offers. With its user-friendly interface, Gul og Gratis facilitates a direct and cost-effective way to promote products, attracting local buyers and sellers. Businesses can tap into this platform to increase visibility, engage with the community, and drive sales within the Danish market.
See more on Gul og Gratis, or on our page about Gul og Gratis
A system designed for loyalty emails.
You can boost your revenue significantly by using their many features and triggers – by making automation and marketing automation. Throughout their system, end customers who match your adjustments are able to purchase your items. It works a bit like newsletters, where they effectively remind the end user that you are on the market. It can also be done through SMS gateways and other forms of reminders.
See more at or our channel page about Heyloyalty.
Avecdo makes integrating your e-commerce store with Instagram Shopping seamless through its automated product feed system. With one product feed, you can sync all essential product details like images, descriptions, and prices, keeping both your Facebook and Instagram shops updated.
This automation ensures that your products are always accurate and ready for shoppable posts and ads, boosting engagement and sales on both platforms. By simplifying this process, avecdo allows you to manage your product listings efficiently across multiple channels, saving time and minimizing errors.
See more at or our channel page about Instagram.
Katoni is an online shopping portal that centers around fashion, footwear, and accessories, aspiring to become the largest and most user-friendly platform in its category. With a focus on clothing, shoes, and accessories, Katoni aims to provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience for its users. The platform strives to offer a vast selection of products while prioritizing ease of use, ensuring that customers can effortlessly browse, discover, and purchase their favorite fashion items. Katoni’s vision is to be the go-to destination for fashion enthusiasts, offering both variety and simplicity in one comprehensive online shopping experience.
See more here or on our Katoni page
Kelkoo is a price comparison page and is very much like PriceRunner and a Shopping Page. The end user will search the products by name or find them in categories. Kelkoo will be a great choice when selling the goods cheaper than the competitors. In addition, Kelkoo is on the market in 22+ countries. One can only win by using Kelkoo because there are not a lot of shops on the site.
Kelkoo ranks very well in search engines. See more at and also on our Kelkoo channel page where we go a little more in depth.
Miinto is primarily a marketplace for exclusive clothing and accessories from well-known brands.
It can be complicated to be created on Miinto, if you do not have a decided fire. In addition, a percentage of the sale is paid in order for you to be displayed on Miinto.
However, it is a portal where it is relatively easy to get sales to your shop.
There are approximately 2,000 brands and 90,000 different products from only Danish webshops and stores. Read more on Miinto’s page or on our info page about Miinto. empowers you to monitor your competitors’ prices and inventory status by generating a product feed within avecdo. The price monitoring feature automatically scans the market, helping identify your competitors – those selling similar products. It then effortlessly retrieves their prices and inventory status. Any product changes on your webshop are seamlessly integrated and updated automatically. With, online retailers gain a comprehensive overview of market data, including pricing and inventory status. This invaluable insight allows you to better understand your competitors and the pricing landscape, enabling you to position your webshop more strategically in the market.
See more at or on our page
Avecdo facilitates seamless generation and retrieval of comprehensive data feeds through the most popular CMS platforms. These feeds can be directly integrated into, allowing advertisers to efficiently manage and oversee their data feeds via the affiliate marketing dashboard.
Connect your feed to through avecdo for seamless integration with their affiliate marketing dashboard. This enables advertisers to optimize, integrate, and monitor their feeds effectively across international affiliate networks. Get more information on Nordpar product feed with avecdo.
An affiliate program and network of writers and website owners.
Partner ads allow you to advertise other sites, blogs and stores on the web for your goods against a percentage of the sale, where you decide to rate the percentage (for example, 10-15% of sales).
When you create Partner ads through avecdo, an email is automatically sent to Partner ads, after which Ken contacts you and helps you get started. See more at or on our information page.
Pinterest is a social media platform and visual discovery engine where users can discover and save ideas for various interests. It’s characterized by a highly visual format, allowing users to create and curate collections of images, known as “pins,” on themed boards. People use Pinterest to explore everything from recipes and fashion to home décor and travel inspiration. It serves as a creative space for users to find inspiration, share ideas, and connect with like-minded individuals. Pinterest’s unique blend of visual content and community engagement makes it a popular platform for both personal and business use.
Price comparison page where the customer will search the products directly by name.
PriceRunner is often right in the search engines, and most Danes know that they can search for individual products in PriceRunner. PriceRunner is really good at products where you know that you are among the cheapest on the market. There is a very large customer base. See more at or get more information here.
PriceSearcher is a price comparison platform that concentrates on key metrics such as sales data and customer reviews. They curate this information into trustworthy Top 10 lists, providing users with reliable insights for informed decision-making. Millions of shoppers use Pricesearcher to save time and money. It is the UKs largest product search engine and is completely free for retailers and brands to sign up and start receiving organic traffic.
See more here, or on our PriceSearcher page
Price is a valuable tool for businesses that want to stay competitive in the market. By using Priceshape, companies can easily monitor the prices of their competitors and adjust their own pricing strategies accordingly. This helps them ensure that they are offering the best prices to attract customers and increase sales. Additionally, Priceshape provides valuable insights and data on market trends, allowing businesses to make informed decisions about their product pricing and positioning. Overall, using Priceshape can give companies a competitive edge and help them maximize their profits.
See more on priceshape or on our PriceShape page
Prisjakt is a Swedish online platform that specializes in providing users with a comprehensive price comparison service. Offering a user-friendly interface, Prisjakt allows consumers to compare prices, read product reviews, and find the best deals across a wide range of products. The platform covers various categories, including electronics, home appliances, fashion, and more. Prisjakt aims to empower shoppers by helping them make informed purchasing decisions while ensuring they get the most competitive prices available from different retailers.
Prisjagt is a Danish online platform that specializes in helping consumers find the best prices for products across a variety of categories. Acting as a comprehensive price comparison website, Prisjagt allows users to compare prices, read reviews, and make informed purchasing decisions. With a user-friendly interface, the platform simplifies the shopping experience by providing a centralized location for consumers to discover the most competitive prices offered by different retailers. Prisjagt aims to empower shoppers to make well-informed choices and save money on their purchases.
Roccai is an innovative AI tool designed to create swipe solutions for your webshop, newsletters, and beyond. This cutting-edge technology enables businesses to enhance user engagement by implementing interactive and visually appealing swipe features. Whether it’s for your e-commerce platform or newsletters, Roccai brings a dynamic touch to your content, making it more engaging and user-friendly. With Roccai, you can effortlessly integrate swipe functionalities into various aspects of your online presence, providing a modern and interactive experience for your audience.
See more at or on our Roccai page.
ShopAlike is an online platform that provides users with a comprehensive shopping experience by aggregating a wide range of products from various retailers. Serving as a virtual shopping hub, ShopAlike allows consumers to explore diverse categories such as fashion, home decor, electronics, and more. Users can conveniently compare prices, discover trending items, and find the best deals available across multiple retailers, all in one place. ShopAlike simplifies the online shopping process, offering a convenient and user-friendly way for shoppers to discover and purchase products from different brands and stores.
See more on or on our page about ShopAlike.
Shopello is a Swedish online platform that offers users a convenient way to discover and compare prices across a diverse range of products. Serving as a comprehensive shopping portal, Shopello allows consumers to explore various categories such as fashion, electronics, home decor, and more. Users can easily compare prices from different retailers, read product reviews, and make informed purchasing decisions. With its user-friendly interface, Shopello simplifies the online shopping process, providing shoppers with a centralized platform to find the best deals and make confident choices when making purchases.
Snapchat is a dynamic social media platform that has evolved into a powerful marketing tool for businesses. With its focus on visual content and short-lived posts, Snapchat provides a unique way for brands to engage with a younger, mobile-centric audience. Businesses can leverage Snapchat’s features like Stories, Discover, and Lenses to create compelling and interactive content.
Snapchat’s advertising platform allows businesses to reach specific demographics through targeted ads, sponsored lenses, and geofilters. The platform’s engaging nature enables companies to showcase their products or services creatively, fostering a sense of authenticity and immediacy. Additionally, Snapchat offers valuable metrics to measure campaign success, making it an effective and evolving marketing platform for those aiming to connect with a younger, socially active audience. See more on Snapchat, or on our page about Snapchat
TikTok has rapidly evolved into a dynamic marketing platform, offering businesses a creative and engaging way to connect with a vast audience. Known for its short-form videos, TikTok allows brands to showcase products or services through entertaining and authentic content. The platform’s algorithm promotes content virality, making it possible for even smaller businesses to reach a broad audience. TikTok’s advertising options, including in-feed ads, branded challenges, and influencer collaborations, provide diverse avenues for marketers to connect with users. With its predominantly young and active user base, TikTok has become a compelling platform for innovative and visually appealing marketing campaigns.
See more here, or on our Tiktok page
TradeTracker is an international affiliate network that through an easy integration of the Avecdo product feed can drive clicks and sales to your business in Denmark and the rest of Europe. TradeTracker works with the biggest international brands and with dedicated account management makes sure that each individual campaign reaches success.
See more, or on our TradeTracker page
Connect to Ønskeskyen to make sure all your products are displayed with the correct information.
By connecting your products, the user will get the best possible user experience, as we fetch the product information instantly.
See more on Ønskeskyen, or on our Ønskeskyen page